2024 IFSO Insurers Conference

“Bad behaviour?”

Thursday 18 April 2024
Jade Room, Cordis Hotel, 83 Symonds Street, Auckland

Presentations and case studies

Lance Burdett’s keynote

Lance Burdett’s keynote presentation slides are available in pdf format here. His website (where you can request his excellent Sleep Guide) is https://www.warninternational.com/home

Case study speed dating

The case studies that were used in the case study speed dating workshops are available below:

Causation and contract interpretation - Theft from taxi

Contractual interpretation - Heatpump installation

Evidence and burden of proof - Under the influence

Fair and reasonable - Date of disability

False statement and prima facie - Innocent mixing of dates

Policy exclusion and the law - Car accident

Pre existing conditions - Baggy eyelids