Case Studies

The following case summaries highlight common issues and consumer tips. Cases can be filtered by subject below and names have been changed to protect confidentiality. Access to the full case study database is available for IFSO Scheme Participants in the Participant Area.

Fake photo, fake jewellery, no cover image
Tell the truth. Your claim, and your evidence, will be checked.
Maria provided photos of costume jewellery from a random website to support her claim for a ruby pendant.
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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Previous declined claim, no cover for fire image
Disclose your claims history when you first apply for insurance.
Barbara's claim for fire damage was declined. She hadn't disclosed a previous declined claim on her application.
House and Contents Insurance Fire False Statements
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House in disrepair, no fire cover image
Disclose all information likely to affect the terms of insurance. If in doubt, ask
Chris’ claim for fire damage was declined, and his policy avoided. He hadn’t disclosed that his house was in disrepair.
House and Contents Insurance Fire
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Photos not enough for $56K jewellery claim image
Keep receipts and valuations. Photos might not be enough to prove your loss.
Vera’s only evidence she owned the stolen jewellery was a photo of herself wearing it at a party.
House and Contents Insurance
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The leaky ranch slider and the sudden hole image
Check policy exclusions. Insurance covers sudden and accidental, not gradual, damage
Paula discovered a hole in the floor of her rental property. The cause was leaking ranch slider over many months.
House and Contents Insurance gradual damage gradual damage extension
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Disappointing cover for stolen watch image
Specify items of value on your policy, get valuations.
A jeweller valued Daisy's stolen watch at $6,375. But its estimated value on the contents policy was $2,900.
House and Contents Insurance
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No cover for missing ruby image
Check your policy exclusions. Check your jewellery for wear and tear.
Sophia’s claim, for the missing ruby in her wedding ring, was declined due to wear and tear over 42 years.
House and Contents Insurance
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No cover for derelict house after fire image
Your insurer can decline your claim if it can prove you didn’t take “reasonable care”.
Before Liam’s house was set on fire, it wasn’t in good shape due to vandalism and neglect.
House and Contents Insurance Fire
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Pay out for stolen ring disappointing image
Specify items of value on your policy. Check the sum insured.
Wiremu was disappointed to be receive an insurance payout that was less than it cost to replace his stolen ring.
House and Contents Insurance Sum Insured
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Investments can go up and down image
Your investment value is affected by the changing value of the assets you invest in.
Finlay complained because his investment had reduced in value. But the rate of returns were not guaranteed.
Superannuation & Investments
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Investment loss from KiwiSaver mistake image
If a mistake is made by your provider, you may receive payment for your financial loss.
Ricky wanted $120,000 compensation as his KiwiSaver provider hadn't transferred his funds for two months. He got $300.
Superannuation & Investments KiwiSaver
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Less than expect from your Superannuation image
If you withdraw your superannuation early, you might not get the full value.
Ashani withdrew her Superannuation funds and received $2,000 less than the full value of her plan.
Superannuation & Investments
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